Seeking Verified OnlyFans Content Creators

Feel free to reach out to plan a collab with ReifyJoie or SaccharinePurr if you’re a verified OnlyFans content creator.

A collaboration is more than just a “free” photoshoot…

Collaboration is the process of two or more people or organizations working together to complete a task or achieve a goal.

I value the decades of time, money, and resources that I’ve invested to hone my talents, improve my skills, and build my diverse inventory of photographic kit and technical gear.

Just as I equally value the resources, heart, and soul that I’m sure you’ve poured into your own endeavors!

However, to put it bluntly, working free jobs for exposure and influencer shoutouts doesn't pay the bills.

Even though I have a detailed rate card, I am open to barter product, trade professional services, or negotiate TFP (Time For Prints/Time For Pics) if a mutually-beneficial collaboration comes my way!

In other words, money doesn’t necessarily need to change hands. What I’m trying to accomplish with a collaboration is for all involved parties to come away with an equally-valuable asset, production, or experience at the end of the project.

A collaboration still requires a contract or agreement…

Nothing should come as a surprise. All logistics and financial aspects of the collaboration should be negotiated ahead of time. Just as BDSM scenes are negotiated ahead of time.

At no point during the collaboration should either party say, “oh, but I thought you were going to…”

Here are logistics to think about, to determine who will be responsible for each aspect of the collaboration:

  • COVID-19 protocol. Who is responsible for safety and cleaning supplies?

  • Are all parties comfortable signing their legal names on an official model release, or do they prefer to stay semi-anonymous by using my Good Faith Photographic Consent/Negotiation Agreement?

  • What is the intended use or distribution of the photographs? Only on FetLife? Social media? OnlyFans/Patreon? Web sites?

  • Is either party planning on using the photographs commercially? Both parties should be able to equally benefit or profit from the collaboration.

  • Where is the collaboration taking place? Will a venue need to be hired?

  • Who will be physically present during the collaboration? Assistants? Chaperones? Friends? Partners?

  • Are products, props, wardrobe, hair, and makeup required? Who gets to keep those items once the collaboration is finished?

  • If things get messy (waxplay, oil, smeared makeup, bodily fluids, etc.) who is responsible for cleanup after the collaboration?

  • How much time needs to be spent processing or retouching the photographs before delivery?

  • Whose style are the photographs representing? The model’s style or the photographer’s style?

  • How soon after the collaboration are the photographs expected to be finished? Does the model expect RAW files, or processed JPGs?

  • Are both parties intending to credit each other on publication?

So, what about tfp (Time for Prints)?

The practice of Time for Prints was established decades ago as a way to tangibly benefit both models and photographers without money changing hands. Most photographs are now delivered digitally. So the “prints” moniker is only used in spirit, since physical prints usually aren’t delivered.

If the model and photographer are both experienced and established within the industry, then the model’s time is exchanged equally for the photographer’s time. Photographs just happen to be the result of that exchange.

In the case where the model is more experienced than the photographer (or vice versa), the more-experienced party is seen as receiving a “free” photoshoot to experiment with new ideas or concepts. The less-experienced party is seen as receiving “free” guidance, direction, and experience to improve their skills.

In either situation, both the model and the photographer should receive photographs, usually for equal use, and credit each other. For example:

  • Portfolio/Profile — If the model is simply looking for photographs to expand their profile or portfolio, then this is non-commercial use. The photographs are not for sale directly and, instead, show off the talents of both the model and the photographer.

  • Premium Content — If the model or photographer is a premium content creator, and intends to profit from the photographs directly (OnlyFans, Patreon, Premium Snapchat, donations, tributes, subscription content, print sales, etc.), then this is commercial use. Since the photographs are essentially for sale, both the model and the photographer should negotiate how the photographs may be used for equal benefit or profit.

  • Just for Fun — Sometimes the model and photographer just want to collaborate for the fun of it, similar to BDSM pickup play! I’ve produced many impromptu BDSM photosets by asking folks at BDSM dungeons and kink conventions if they’d like their scene chronicled.

A successful negotiation is when both parties walk away sincerely feeling that they got the better end of the deal!